February 28, 2013

Dear Friend,

So I fell a lot better today. I wasn’t nauseous most of the day which was good. I went to all my classes and made it through work. I also picked which apartment my friends are I are living in next year.

Oh I didn’t mention that! Housing is done! So as I have mentioned before, we have some really nice apartments and my 2 friends and I got into the View which is where we wanted to be because it is close to campus and it is meant for 3 people in each apartment. So we got it! Sadly we were the last ones to get a View apartment so we are stuck in a second floor apartment over the RA. This sucks, but it isn’t too bad because we don’t do much and we aren’t partiers so it isn’t too big of a deal.

So I had a pretty okay day although I forgot to call the Health Center about my insurance stuff, but hopefully I will remember to do it tomorrow morning. I also need to pack, although I still don’t know what time I will be leaving tomorrow because my mother still hasn’t called me to let me know. Fun times.

And now I am procrastinating. I need to write (well really type) out the Agenda for the Council meeting I have this weekend, write two more journals for my Orwell class, pack and try and edit my Lesson Plan for my Literacy class. So I have a lot to do and not a ton of time to do it. But I think I have enough time to do it all. I got this!

So I honestly don’t have much to talk about. I am just gonna go and finish this episode of Life, shower and finish all this work!

Love Always,


February 5, 2013

Dear Friend,

Housing Selection sucks!!!!!! Ugh there is so much drama happening right now and I am already stressed. I am not a happy camper at all. So today we got our housing lottery numbers. Now I got a pretty fantastic number. This year the higher the better and the highest you can get is 10,999 and I got 10, 960!!! So I am pretty sure I can get the housing I want because the highest number isn’t necessarily 10,999 because we don’t have that many students (I really don’t feel like explaining the long complicated way housing works here so just bear with me). So now we are trying to finalize who is living with who and where. So when you are a senior you get to live in on-campus apartments, which is nice because we don’t have to live by the meal plan and we have a bit more freedom. So there are three different apartments to choose from. You have the View (which is 2 or 3 person apartments that is relatively close to campus and the one I want) the Heights (2 or 4 person apartments that are really far from campus and at the bottom of a hill, do not want at all) and the Townhouses (6 person apartments that are in a pretty good location but still kind of a trek). So now we are trying to finalize and people are switching who they want to live with and I can’t live with certain people and its just a clusterfuck of drama and bitchyness (moments like these were it sucks being a girl).

So now after a very long 12 hour day, I come home to drama and snarky bitches who like to bitch about housing and everything in their life (hint: this is the person I was ranting about the other night). So I am just pissed off again its irksome. And I still have some reading to do for tomorrow, but I think I still have time to do it. I do have to shower though sometime.

I don’t know what to do with my life any more. I’m just so tired and the semester started off all engines running and I haven’t slowed down once and I haven’t gotten a routine and it is just messing me up so much! I just need some breathing time to organize myself and really know and understand when I need to do things and such, but I have no free time with taking 6 classes and Relay for Life taking over my life. Like seriously it is. I have no time right now because I am either in class, at work, doing homework, or doing something related to Relay. So I just need a break so badly.

Love Always,


November 9, 2012

Dear Friend,

Today was good until I went to Triangle. NOTE: I don’t think I have called the group I am in Triangle, but I thought I might as well to make my life writing this blog a bit easier. So yeah. I had work this morning and then classes and it was all good. I hung out with my friends a little and we bashed the Harry Potter movies because they are nothing like the book and all that fun stuff. Then I had Triangle tonight. Now my home Triangle is a few hours away and so I didn’t grow up in the Triangle I go to now that I am in college. The problem is that I am treated like an outsider and constantly put down and not told anything simply because I am new and hold a position of power. It bothers me a lot because I have put my heart in this organization for 10 years and now I am being treated like I don’t know anything and I just want to quit most days. For example I was taught to do something one way and one of the supervisors yelled at me and told me I was wrong in the middle of the meeting and in front of all the girls. And I’m just like I’m sorry I was taught that way, you don’t have to yell at me because I was wrong. I’m 20 years old I am bound to get some things wrong and I was just saying what I was taught. It was even worse because the supervisor who yelled at me is kind of a cranky old man who likes to tell me all the things I am wrong about. Which sucks because it is not my fault if I was taught wrong and don’t know any better. And its funny because they honestly don’t seem to care that I am their link to the state line and without me they won’t get anywhere. So if they piss me off, there will be hell to pay. But then I can’t do that because it is the adults who are giving me all the problems not the girls. I just wish this organization wasn’t causing me so much stress. It is completely unnecessary. I’m just so sick of it!

Ugh and now I’m on the verge of tears again. And I’m stressing about the end of the semester because before Thanksgiving I have to write a paper, write an annotated Bibliography and research paper introduction (which means I have to get all my research done), finished writing my lesson plan, and present my lesson plan. Now that is just before Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving I have my research paper, a presentation on a book, a huge project, journals (like 50 entries) completed, a recital for my lesson, 2 concerts to perform in, and final exams by Dec 14th. And on top of that I have to do my regular readings and homework. Fun times. I swear the hardest month of the semester is the second to last. It is when all the papers and projects are done and you just want to kill someone. I am so done.

Oh and on top of that we have to start talking about living arrangements for next year and I don’t know how to tell people that I don’t want to live with them and there is so much drama associated with housing and it causes so much stress and one of my friends mentioned it earlier today and I’m just like I don’t really want to live with you because you make me feel stupid all the time because I don’t understand things that you do and ugh. I’m gonna stop now.

Love Always,
