February 21, 2013

Dear Friend,

RELAY FOR LIFE IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am officially freaking out. But, I think I have all the sound issues solved and all the performers have told me they are good with the time they are playing at except one, but that is one whole group of students so its all good, but I think we are all set. I talked to the sound guy today and he is all excited and he is super nice so that is good. And I am starting to get excited!!!

The sad part about all of this is the lack of support I am getting from my friends. Now I am friends with a lot of peeps in theater and music here at school so I always make a point to go to their concerts and plays if they are in them or have done something for them. I like to show them I support them and what they did. I mean they put a lot of work into this and I want to show them that I care about that. And I have put in so much time and energy to Relay for Life this year. I mean I have spent all my free time doing things for Relay. And only some of my friends are going. Some people I mention it too just shrug and say they aren’t going, some say its too much money (registration was $10 until 2 weeks ago, now it is $20) when all the money they spend goes right to the American Cancer Society and that money goes to the many programs the ACS has that supports the fighters and to the many labs they fund who are looking for a cure for cancer. So what I really want to know is why my friends can’t spare any time on their Friday night (when they have no other plans) or a couple of bucks to not only support me and see where all my hard work has gone, but also to support a fantastic cause. I mean seriously?! I have poured my heart into this night because I care about this cause and you can’t spend any time or money on it?!

I should probably tell you why I am so gung ho about this charity. Cancer affects everyone. You cannot tell me you do not know anyone who has/had cancer. I bet you everyone knows, at least distantly, someone who has been affected by this horrible disease. So my link to cancer is a long list of many people. I have the survivors: both of my grandmothers, my Aunt Joyce (all three survived Breast Cancer), a few family friends by the names of Aunt Rie and Grandma Nancy, and a little boy from my old church, Simon. I also have the ones I’ve lost: my aunt Sandy and her husband. So for me cancer is a disease I want to see gone. Even though I have never lost anyone close to me due to cancer, it has still been an ever present reminder that someone could die from it (Aunt Rie is just in remission). Even with the survivors, there is a chance that the cancer could come back. So I want to try and make it so that doesn’t happen. Back home we do a fundraiser called “Goin Bald for Bucks” and all the money raised goes to a cancer hospital in the city. I shaved my head twice for that fundraiser (my mom did it with me the second time see photo) 201

So yeah. Any charity that has to do with cancer is a big deal to me. I am there trying to make it so we live in a world without cancer because it sucks.

Oh and back to the fact that none of my friends will come to Relay, our generation has become complacent. No one is willing to rebel and stand up for what they think. Well a few do, but not that many. What happened to the days of protesting the Vietnam War? Where did those people go? Why are we not out in the streets protesting the war and unemployment and all the shitty things in this world?! We have become fine with our lives, but our lives aren’t perfect so why are we just accepting it?!

Okay my rant is over. Now I am going to sleep.

Oh and I will not be able to post tomorrow night because I will be at Relay so I think what I will do is post after Relay is over (at like 6 am) and that will be my post for the 22nd and then I will post Saturday evening for my post on the 23rd.

Love Always,
