February 20, 2013

Dear Friend,

Sometimes I wonder about people. So today I found out that a young girl I know might have been faking her pregnancy. Now I belong to a youth organization that is meant to foster girls to become women, not just any women, but proper and polite and awesome females. So it came as a surprise to find out that one of my girls who has been in this organization for a very long time had gotten pregnant (this is part in parcel with not having sex before marriage in all its archaic glory). What became an even bigger surprise was to find out today (apparently the day for her c-section) that she was faking her pregnancy the whole time. And guess what her reason was…if you guessed to have her boyfriend stay? Then you would be correct! I mean seriously?! When has that ever worked out? Was she hoping she would actually get pregnant so that she wouldn’t have to lie? i don’t know! I just don’t understand how someone could be so desperate (and have so much time on their hands) that they would fake a pregnancy to make a guy stay with them. Especially since my youth organization is supposed to foster strong young women who can stand on their own two feet and excel at anything they put their mind to. I just don’t understand!

So besides that wonderful news, today has been crazy. How surprising that my life is crazy. So I sort of finalized the schedule for performers at Relay. I hope. But now I don’t know if we will have everything we need for all the performers (like amps and a keyboard…urgh) So I am just kind of like I hate myself for saying I would do this!!!! So now I have to talk to the guy who is doing sound to see what he has for sound stuff and what we have access too because apparently one band doesn’t have amps, mics, a keyboard, or a drum set because they need all of that from us. Not helpful at all because seriously?! What band doesn’t have their own keyboard and drum set?!?!?! Or amps!!!! But I will figure it out!

But besides the stress of Relay, I am really excited for it! I mean it is for such a good fundraiser. Speaking of which. Our American Cancer Society rep brought up a great idea, have your Facebook status as every time someone likes my status I will donate 10 cents to Relay. I am now up to 66 likes so I owe $6.60 to Relay, but if it isn’t too much I might say 20 or 50 cents instead so I donate more. I don’t know yet. I just can’t wait until Relay. I think if everything works out like we want them, the night is going to be a great one. I hope. 🙂

Love Always,


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